segunda-feira, 8 de abril de 2013

Neighbors Know My Name (Prince)

Knock. Knock.

“Fuck, Prince” you screamed as Prince slammed Harvard inside of you. You had just started and Prince had already had you moaning out in pleasure. He flipped you over and began kissing on your neck. He went deeper than you had ever thought possible making you moan out in ecstasy.

You dug your nails in his back panting on his neck. “Shit Mami,” Prince moaned as he quickened his pace.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Your eyes rolled back in your head as Prince began thrusting harder. You legs kept shaking as you neared your climax. Prince was tearing up the new headboard you got to replace the last one Prince messed up. You were both nearing your climax, when a noise stopped you completely killing the mood.

Bang. Bang. Bang.

“What the fuck,” Prince grumbled throwing on his shorts. He stormed out the room into the and threw open the front door while the guy was in mid knock.

“Do you mind,” Prince yelled. “I’m trying to make love to my beautiful girlfriend.”

Prince was so furious that your neighbor didn’t even have anything to say to Prince. Prince didn’t wait for a reply anyway. He just slammed the door and returned to you back in the bedroom.

“Here,” he said tossing a pillow at you. “Bite this, so he won’t hear.”

Song: Neighbors Know My Name by Trey Songz.

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