domingo, 7 de abril de 2013

Moving Forward

Moving Forward is a serie about a girl, Aaliyah, whom is an abandoned teen, living in a foster home with her older brother Chresanto and their best friend Prince. After being impregnated by Ray Ray after a one night stand, Aaliyah struggles to find serenity, uncovering old secrets from her birth family and the reason behind Ray’s mysterious disappearance. Ultimately, Aaliyah’s life takes many sharp turns before she can settle down peacefully with her brother, best friend, and boyfriend.

Characters (in the order of the pictures above): 
  • Aaliyah August (Aka Liyah): Lead singer, just turned 16, Roc’s sister, best friends with Prince
  • Chresanto August (Aka Roc): Drummer, 17, Aaliyah’s brother, best friends with Prince
  • Jacob Perez (Aka Prince): Guitar player, 17, best friends with Roc and Liyah, live in the same foster care place
  • Rayan Lopez (Aka Ray): 19, BADASS
  • Tasha Davis (Aka Adoptive Mother): CEO of Interscope Records
  • Angelo August (Aka Dad): <3
  • Craig Crippen (Aka Prodigy’s Dad): COO (Chief Operating Officer) of Interscope Records
  • Craig Crippen Jr.  (Aka Prodigy): rich kid, 18  

Fourteen years earlier...

“Mommy, where are we going?”
I watched as she shifted my sister in her arms. “We are going far away from
here,” she whispered. She grabbed my hand leading me up the stairs.
She crouched down in front of me. “Chresanto, I want you to be brave for
Mommy,” she announced, handing me my sister.
“Where are you going?”
“I want you to ring the doorbell, and tell the nice lady inside that you are lost,”
she added, hugging me tightly.
“But that’s lying.”
I heard a loud noise coming from down the street. She must’ve heard it too
because she looked scared. “Don’t come after me,” She pleaded, and tears
began falling down her face.
“Why are you crying? Where are you going?”
She leaned down, kissing me on the forehead. “I love you,” she cried, wiping
her tears with her sleeve. “I’m sorry.”
She got up turning to leave. I tried to stop her, but she kept going. I heard
footsteps, and I ducked down. “You think you can run away that easily,” I heard
someone yell, then I saw daddy appear out of the darkness.
“Daddy,” I called out to him, but he didn’t hear me.
Mommy broke out into a run, but daddy was too fast. He grabbed her dragging
her into the alley. I heard a loud scream. “Mommy,” I cried, but she didn’t come
I rang the doorbell, and a nice lady opened in. “Oh child, what are you doing
here?” She asked.
“I’m lost.”
“Earth to Roc,” My sister Aaliyah, was saying snapping me out of my daze.
“Hand me the mic.”
“Oh sorry,” I muttered.
“What were you thinking about?” She asked, putting the last amp in place.
Aaliyah’s the only family I have. I tell her everything. We have been living in the
foster care system ever since I can remember. Other than Prince she’s the only friend I have. But there are just some things you just keep to yourself.
“Nothing,” Ireplied, forcing a smile on my face.
“Are you guys ready to rock?” Prince yelled, making quite the entrance.
“Of course,” I smiled settling behind my drumset. “At least as ready as I’ll ever
“We’ll be great,” Liyah replied, sending me a reassuring smile. “I mean if we
weren’t good then we wouldn’t be opening up for the best band here. Would
“Right,” Prince and Iresponded in unison.
“Alright then,” I grinned, pulling out my sticks. “Let’s do this.”
The curtains opened to reveal the biggest crowd I’ve ever seen, and they were
all here for us. But one guy in particular stood out to me, and I couldn’t take my
eyes off of him. “That was amazing,” Prince was yelling, but I wasn’t really
listening. I was too focused on getting out of there.
“Where are you going?” Roc asked, but I didn’t reply. I knew he would come
after me eventually, but the crowd would slow him down.
I made my way over to the bar, hoping to find mystery man there. “Hey Bobby,”
I called, nodding to the bartender.
“Hey,” He replied. “Great performance.”
“Thanks,” I blushed, brushing a loose strand of my hair behind my ear. I
scanned the bar area, but I couldn’t find mystery guy anywhere. I was about to
head back, when I felt someone tap me on my shoulder.
“I knew you would find me--” I began, holding my hands up in surrender. But
when I turned around it wasn’t my brother who was behind me. It was mystery
“You were expecting me?” He smirked, raising an eyebrow up at me.
“Sorry I thought you were someone else,” I blushed, mentally kicking myself for
sounding so stupid.
“Sorry to disappoint you.”
“No. You. I didn’t mean it like that,” I struggled to explain. I buried my face in my
hands, taking a deep breath.
“Are you okay?” He asked me, and quickly shot my head back up. I completely
forgot he was standing there. I swallowed hard.
He was just so cute and here he was staring at me like I had horns growing out
of my head. “Okay, Let’s start over,” I nervously suggested, holding my hand
out. “I’m Aaliyah.”

“Ray,” he smiled, shaking my hand. “Weren’t you just on stage?”
“Yeah, I think I saw you in the crowd.”
“Yeah, your two braids are hard to miss,” I laughed nervously.
He ran his hand over one of his braids. “Yeah, I guess they are unique,” He
grinned, and I couldn’t take my eyes off of his smile. “Can I buy you a drink?”
“No you cannot,” Roc answered for me.
“Who are you?” Ray laughed, eyeing Roc closely and I desperately wanted to
crawl up into a ball and die.
“I’m her brother,” Roc finished, grabbing my arm. “And I’m taking my sixteen
year old sister home.”
“No, you are not,” I said, shaking out of his grasp. I pulled out a pen, and
scribbled my number on Ray’s hand.
“Yes, I am,” Roc replied, then he pulled me away from Ray.
“Call me,” I mouthed over my shoulder, before he disappeared into the crowd.
When we were outside the club, I pushed Roc off of me. “What is your
problem?” I snapped.
“You know you are too young for him,” He replied, shaking his head at me. “You
turn sixteen last week, and already you think you can act like a grown ass
“Whatever Roc,” I muttered, rolling my eyes at him.
I began walking catching up to Prince, who was waiting for us at the corner.
“Come on, guys,” He called, waving us over. “We are gonna be late for curfew.

Part 2...


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